Order Catering

Note: This feature works best on a Google Chrome browser.
Curbside Pickup Information

All orders to be placed & paid with credit card online with minimum 1 days’ notice.

Due to a high volume of phone calls, please place your order online below.

Thank you & enjoy!

Upon arrival, have your order # ready, call the number posted and we will bring it out to you. Please follow the signage to the designated area.

No Substitutions

All orders are final once submitted.

Pricing subject to change without notice. Pricing is per person unless otherwise stated. Tax extra.

Orders must be made {{days_advance}} {{ day }} in advance.

Pickup Date:

Pickup Time:

Your membership discount ({{ discountRate * 100 }}% for orders over ${{discountMinAmount}}) will be applied at checkout.
To receive your member-only discount ({{ discountRate * 100 }}% for orders over ${{discountMinAmount}}), please enter your membership number at checkout, or click here to login . Once logged in, please return to this tab to complete your order.

Catering Pick Up Hours of Availability

All orders are available by curb side pickup


item description price
{{item.title}} {{item.price_per_unit | price_filter}} {{item.unit}}
{{item.min_quantity | min_quantity_filter }}
{{ item.no_tax | no_tax_filter }}
{{item.count | count_filter}}

Before Tax: {{totalCost | price_filter}}
Membership Discount: -{{membershipDiscount | price_filter}}
Tax: {{tax | price_filter}}

Total: {{totalCostAfterTax | price_filter}}
